Geek Revealed » Funny Have You Revealed Your Inner Geek ? Mon, 18 Jun 2012 02:26:28 +0000 en hourly 1 Clever Facebook Status Updates Sat, 10 Mar 2012 12:51:42 +0000 Ankit Posting a cool and clever Facebook status update on you Facebook account can help you to make your account livelier. Also it helps you to get tons of comments from your friends. Below I have compiled a list of some clever Facebook status updates that you can post on your Facebook profile. So here we [...]]]>

Posting a cool and clever Facebook status update on you Facebook account can help you to make your account livelier. Also it helps you to get tons of comments from your friends. Below I have compiled a list of some clever Facebook status updates that you can post on your Facebook profile.

Clever Facebook status

So here we go:

  • Everything is getting more and more expensive. Except for people, that are getting cheaper and cheaper.
  • If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. But if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.
  • My life is open book but only few have the permission to read it.
  • I don’t like to think myself as ‘Special’ I like to think myself as limited edition. ;)
  • I never look for trouble; it just always manages to find me.
  • Like this if you like to like things.
  • If you think that people are trying to pull you down, it simply means that you are above them.
  • Problem of solving a problem is not a problem, but when a problem solves a problem without any problem then the problem is not at all a problem. Any problem?
  • Today I accidently stepped on a cornflake! So, I am a cereal killer now :D
  • I am free of all prejudices. I hate all my friends equally…
  • Do you know why we sometimes write “Etc” In Exams? Beoz It means. . . . E (End Of) T (Thinking) C (Capacity)
  • Mr X says A bottle of wine contains more philosophy than all the books in the world…
  • My story in a single sentence: Genius by birth evil by nature human by chance. :D
  • Biggest Mystery of Maths, 1000s of years passed, Millions of theorems derived, Millions of formulas made, but still, X is unknown!
  • Dedicated to all my haters, remember, its mind over matter: I don`t mind & you don`t matter…
If you liked above post then you would also love reading some more cleaver Facebook status updates.

So, that was all from me, if you have any other Clever Facebook Status, then please share it in the comments section.


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Funny Ads on Google Adwords Wed, 24 Aug 2011 02:29:00 +0000 Ankit Have you ever seen an ad over internet that has made you laugh out your heart? If yes, then I guess you are not the only person, there are millions of such funny ads on Google Adwords. Google Adwords is proably the biggest ad network today. Most of the bloggers and internet users are very much familiar [...]]]>

Have you ever seen an ad over internet that has made you laugh out your heart? If yes, then I guess you are not the only person, there are millions of such funny ads on Google Adwords. Google Adwords is proably the biggest ad network today. Most of the bloggers and internet users are very much familiar with google adwords but if you have heared of it for the very first time then let me introduce it to you.

Google Adwords is a giant ad network. Google started this service since 2003 and since then it has become a success story. When someone searches google for a particular keyword it automatically serves up ads to web users based on what words they searched for or what site they’re browsing.

Today I am going to share a very funny and weird side of this dazzling service. So, just sit back relaxed and enjoy. Just scroll down and enjoy the fun.

To be honest I do not find any relation between World of warcraft and Male Virgin.
World of warcraftSave time on pregnancy and buy baby online. get a baby on eBay

Is ebay mad or something don’t they understand no one out there wants to buy a skin cancer.
Buy skin cancer


These kind of ads can put you in some awkward situations.
badly placed internet ads


Do I need to say something more about them.
Rakhi ad


OMG! It’s the height! who uses used diapers.
Used diapers ad

This one is again worth a laugh.

Was going through this website and suddenly this thing caught my attention. Do you find any connection between meditation and Night Life in Pune??

Night life in pune<

OMG!! They have got package for hell travel too. LOL
hell travel package

Sale at eBay

These Buys on eBay ones are endless. Someone in eBay marketing just wasn’t thinking it through when they commissioned these auto-generated ads.

dead pets for sale

It’s the best one Indian rail website serving spice jet ads. LOL.
Indian rail website serving spice jet ads

This was all from our collection. Please do share your feedback in the comments section below.

Cheers :-)

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Weird Programming Languages Mon, 08 Aug 2011 01:34:00 +0000 Ankit Do you like coding and see yourself as hardcore coder?? Do you feel as if you’ve mastered all the programming languages then just hold on! I guess this article can change your mind! Today in this article I am going to share a list of Weird Programming Languages. There are many Weird Programming Languages in the world [...]]]>

Do you like coding and see yourself as hardcore coder?? Do you feel as if you’ve mastered all the programming languages then just hold on! I guess this article can change your mind! Today in this article I am going to share a list of Weird Programming Languages.

Weird Programming Languages

There are many Weird Programming Languages in the world which most of us haven’t even heard of ! Each one of them is unique and has some weird mind boggling stuff associated with it. So, here I have compiled a list of all those freaking crazy languages.


This language was invented by Urban Müller, designed to realize its implementation in the smallest possible compiler, and his master-plan came into existence in 1993. Known for its great minimalism, and controversial name, Bf only has 8 commands +-. <>, [] and is practically useless in day to day programming needs, however recently few decoders have been designed to render it useful enough.


False is yet another weird programming language. It is said that it served as an encouragement for development of other similar esoteric programming languages like brainfuck. I have included False in this list coz of its highly confusing syntax, making it hard-to-understand.
For example, to calculate: 3 + 1, the command would be: (λ x → x + 1)(3): 3[1+]!

Weird! Isn’t it!


The language resembles fungus coz it is quiet unorganized like growing fungus. The Language was originally invented by Chris Pressey in 1993. It is quiet weird because basically the language models programs to be metric spaces attached with a co-ordinate system. Program execution is based on the co-ordinate points in the program space and the control flow was decided by the use of arrows.


It is a very funny programming language. It was designed to amuse the users with resemblance of the speech of lolcats. Here is a simple Hello World program in LOLCODE :



This language was invented by: David Morgan-Mar in 2002 . The code resembles more or less to a recipe.
chef programming language
For example if you have to put an item on stack yow will have to code like this: Put cinnamon into 2nd mixing bowl! Funny.


Created in 2006 by Juraj Borza. The language has got its name from the slang words “omg” and “rofl”. As a matter of fact “Rofl” is one of Omgrofl’s commands. Omgrofl is not case-sensitive. An intresting thing to know is that in this language variables must be a form of the slang word lol, like lol, lool, loool, looool.
Quiet Strange!


Do we have any Music lovers here coz this one is for them. Velato makes use of MIDI files as the input, with each command being determined by the pause between successive notes.
Symbolic programming language
The code can be represented as sheet music.


To add to this list of crazy programing languages, I have chosen whitespaces. No! No! Don’t be mistaken by the name. Whitespaces a weird language invented in 2002, by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris. The language uses only whitespace characters as syntax! When it was out on April 1st, 2003, most people took it as an April Fools’ joke, which it wasn’t.
program in Whitespace language
It only comprises of just the letter A, accompanied by commas, spaces and exclamations! It takes just the whitespaces into account, ignoring the non-whitespaces. Quiet Eccentric!

This was my list of some Weird Programming Languages. If there are any other such weird programming languages then please do share it in comments section below.

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