Today in this post I am going to guide you on RemoveWat activation on Windows 7. This is a utility developed by Hazar Group; the basic functionality of the tool is to remove the Windows Activation Technologies also called as WAT in short. WAT is the technology that Windows uses to detect if the copy of ...

Virtual Desktops are a blessing for those users who want to manage their cluttered desktops on Windows using a program or software which can help you to open multiple desktops virtually on Windows 7. Today, in this article I am going to guide you on how to get Virtual Desktop on Windows 7 without straining your ...

Installing fonts on Windows 7 looks like a pure geeky stuffy and I bet most people out there won’t feel any need of installing any new fonts on to their machine as windows-7 comes with tons of preinstalled fonts. But there are times when you scroll down the whole font list on MS Word and ...

Most of the windows users are aware that Windows has a feature to show the list of 10 most recent documents opened on the system and this feature is called Recent Items or Jump Lists. Although, Recent Items is a very nice feature in windows but sometimes I feel to increase the number of document ...