Setting up a WordPress blog is just a matter of few clicks. I can bet that most of the bloggers start working on theme customization and SEO right from the day one. But they miss out an important thing and that is to secure their blog against hackers.Securing a blog is one of the few ...

Most of the novice bloggers face the problem that their blog posts are not getting the right amount of attention that they deserve. By attention I mean that the post gets less traffic, comments or may be its not getting shared on social networking sites. A blog with no readers is like a book on ...

Reading the blogs of Blogging Gurus gives us inspiration and we as a blogger dream about making the same amount of money someday. But personally, I feel that reading blogs of these self proclaimed Blogging Gurus is of no use. I have been in blogging arena from a considerable time and I can assure you ...

Google Penguin is the latest algorithm that has become a pain for the webmasters. This update is mainly aimed at removing and de-ranking the sites that are considered to be web spam. Now if you are new to this terminology then I must tell you that Google considers a site to be webspam if it ...

As we all know that Google Adsense is the leader of all contextual advertising networks. Many people out there are making thousands of dollars each day from it. But due to its strong TOS some people hate it. Also Google Adsense doesn’t allow blogs that are less than 6 months old to be a part ...