Google Penguin is the latest algorithm that has become a pain for the webmasters. This update is mainly aimed at removing and de-ranking the sites that are considered to be web spam. Now if you are new to this terminology then I must tell you that Google considers a site to be webspam if it ...
by Ankit on September 21, 2011

As we all know that all the websites have a static IP address and today I am going to share with you how to check ip of a website via selfseo. This will not only tell you the ip of the website but also its hosting location. This might be helpful if you want to ...
by Ankit on August 22, 2011

Backlinking is an important element in Search Engine Optimization. For those who are new to SEO, backlinking is simply a process of putting your blogs or websites link (URL) on some other page (blog or website). Search engine Gurus describe this as process, where one page gives a vote of trust to the linked page ...