by Ankit on April 14, 2012

Today in this post I am going to guide you on RemoveWat activation on Windows 7. This is a utility developed by Hazar Group; the basic functionality of the tool is to remove the Windows Activation Technologies also called as WAT in short. WAT is the technology that Windows uses to detect if the copy of ...
by Ankit on March 2, 2012

Virtual Desktops are a blessing for those users who want to manage their cluttered desktops on Windows using a program or software which can help you to open multiple desktops virtually on Windows 7. Today, in this article I am going to guide you on how to get Virtual Desktop on Windows 7 without straining your ...
by Ankit on March 1, 2012

I think you all would have endured the situation wherein your program (mail, word, etc) gets frozen or hangs or becomes unresponsive and is not allowing you to do anything. To be honest I feel as if my computer has been hijacked when such things happen. In such a case we normally do “End Task” ...
by Ankit on February 26, 2012

Uninstalling programs on MAC is not an easy task as it does not come with an Add or Remove Program Feature, like it does in Windows OS. Although uninstalling in MAC might look an easy task at first glance as all you need to do is to move the application to Trash bin. However this ...
by Ankit on February 22, 2012

As you all would be aware that Torrent is the most popular way to share files on web. It allows you to download your favorite movie clip, songs, video, and even softwares at a click of your finger. All you have to do is to install the Torrent client on your machine and you are ...
by Ankit on February 14, 2012

UAC stands for User Account Control. UAC is feature in windows that helps to prevent any unauthorized changes to your computer. UAC does this by asking permissions before performing any actions that could possibly affect your computer. As a feature it seems to be good but sometimes you will feel it to be quiet annoying. ...
by Ankit on February 11, 2012

These days disabling USB port has became a necessity in internet cafes, corporate offices, schools and other institutions. The basic reason behind all this is that USB ports are quite vulnerable and pose a serious security threat as using these ports mischievous students, employees, users can just plug-in their flash devices, external hard disks, or ...
by Ankit on February 2, 2012

Today in this tutorial I am going to guide you on how to change Apple ID on iPhone, iPad, iPod and iTunes Desktop.I hope you all would be familiar enough with Apple ID. For a newbie an Apple ID is more or less same to your Identity Card. Just as you use your identity card ...
by Ankit on January 31, 2012

Skype is one of the most popular applications that enables you to make telephone calls over internet. Skype is proprietary software that uses decentralized peer-to-peer technology; this means that the calls that you make are not routed through some centralized server but from a distributed server. And in addition to this all the communications are ...
by Ankit on August 1, 2011

Last week it was the birthday of MS DOS and it has turned 30 now! So, today I am gonna share the story behind this prodigious OS. In fact I would go one step further and say that it was only because of it Microsoft became one of the big guns in personal computing and ...